Friday 7 December 2012

"God Heard My Prayers Even Before I Accepted Christ"

Before I accepted Christ, I was a staunch Buddhist and I have never been to a church. My dad was luckier than me because most of his friends and colleagues are Christians and sometimes they would invite my dad to their church for Sunday service.

I have accepted Christ 5 years ago (since the year 2007) and I am the only Christian in my family at the moment. But I fully trust and have faith in the Lord that my family will all be saved because He has already given me the wisdom to minister to my parents and my grandmother – Praise The Lord! Hallelujah! Well, the story here is actually about how God heard my prayers even before I accepted Christ.

Our God is a good God and it all happened when my dad’s friend invited him to a Christmas Eve concert in a church. I was only 6 years old back then when my dad took me to a church for the first time and we were both seated at the front row. It was also that night I was moved by the Holy Spirit; I saw everything white and cloudy on the stage and I was also captivated by the pianist when she rendered a beautiful melody. As I was so into the music and the drama (that night the drama was about Jesus performing miracles and how prayers can do wonders for those who believed in Him), suddenly I put my hands together and said a short prayer like this : Jesus, You are so great! How I wish I could play the piano like the pianist on the stage – Yes! I want to play like her for You!

Lisa Lim ~ My Testimony

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